Friday, December 13, 2013

Surviving in College

Congratulations, you’ve made it through another semester in college! You’re in such a pivotal point in your life and that’s exciting. But now the question in your mind probably is: How am I going to stay afloat until graduation? Don’t worry though; I have a few tips that are sure to help.
Firstly, don’t be afraid to have fun. This is such an exciting time and you should take advantage of everything. Get out of your room, attend events, and join organizations that fit your interests. You should also look into organizations that aren’t necessarily a perfect fit for you because not only will you likely enjoy it, but also you can meet some really amazing people. This brings me to my next point.
Make friends. Some of us are so complacent in our existing group of friends or we think we are better off alone so we close ourselves off to new friends. College is the place where you meet more life-long friends. You should share your college experience with other people. You guys will share the experience and create so many memories together. Make sure your friends are always building you up and helping you stay OUT of trouble and ON the right path.
Thirdly, be careful. Although this is a college campus and there are so many good things you have yet to experience, this is still the real world and real dangers exist. Lock your doors and try to refrain from walking alone at night. That goes for guys and girls! Pay attention to your surroundings and make sure you know your campus’ emergency numbers in the case of an emergency.
Lastly, remember why you are here: to get an education. Don’t get so caught up in the hype and forget about your grades. It can be a hard thing to do, but you have to stay focused. Go to class, pay attention, and always try your best. Parties and clubs will always be around, but your classes only last twelve weeks. Now don’t you think your classes are more important?
That’s it! I hope this has been somewhat helpful. Enjoy your time in college and definitely make the most of it. Make wise choices and surround yourself with those who make even wiser choices.

- Corey Harper, Resident Assistant

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