Monday, December 15, 2014

Getting The Best Bang For Your Holiday Bucks!

Oh, the holidays. The parties, the songs, the snow, the negative number in your bank account. For those of us on a budget, the holidays are rough. We all want to go to every party in a stunning outfit and give fabulous gifts to everyone we know but that costs a pretty penny.

Tip One: Budget
 If you are doing a Secret Santa with friends or giving gifts to family, then establish how much is going to be spent and stick to it. We know you’re looking for coolest friend status, but you can achieve that by flexing your awesome personality, not your bank account. 

Tip Two: Hand Made Presents
Being broke sucks but being creative and broke sucks way less. People cherish a homemade gift, so bring out your inner Martha Stewart and start creating. There are many homemade gift ideas online and on Pinterest!

Tip Three: Pick Up Some Extra work
            If you want to make a little more money over the holidays (and you have the energy and time) then there are usually opportunities with retailers. You could try to sell clothes and items that you don’t use anymore for extra cash as well. There are many online yard sales which are a great way to get quick and easy cash!

Tip Four: Traveling
            Traveling can be fun and enjoyable; however, can put a big dent in your wallet. Planning is key to saving money when traveling. Plan and pack meals when traveling. Food can add up if you are constantly eating out. You can save a lot of money on plane tickets if you fly the day of a holiday. If carpooling is an option, then do it! Gas is expensive and can add up quickly.

Tip Five: Credit Cards
            Ideally, you'll want to pay everything off immediately. Have a choice of cards? Always use the card that offers the lowest interest rate. A good idea is to track your credit card spending just as you would if you were writing a check. Remember: It's really easy in the flurry of the holiday spending to run around and not keep track.

Tip Six: Send E-cards

They're free -- or only cost a couple of dollars -- and don't require postage. Some even play music, making them a fun, free way to catch up with far-flung friends and family.

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