Thursday, February 12, 2015

Avoiding Flu Season

 Want to avoid getting sick this semester? It's that time of year where everyone is sneezing and

coughing and you're thinking I really hope I don't get sick. Getting sick can mean missing class and feeling miserable and no one wants that. Listed below are some simple and easy ways to make sure you don’t get sick this semester!

The first thing to remember is to make sure you are washing your hands properly. It is important to do this after touching your face, or touching common objects. Most people learn that if they sing the Happy Birthday song twice they have washed their hands well. But just in case you never learned that way here are three simple steps to make sure you are washing your hands properly!

Step 1: wet your hands then apply soap
Step 2: rub hands together for 15-20 seconds
Step 3: rinse and then dry your hands

These are very easy and simple ways to make sure you wash your hands properly and that can help you avoid getting sick. If you not near a bathroom, hand sanitizer can work as well. 
Another way to make sure you don’t get sick is to try and eat healthy and get a good night’s rest. Also, try to make sure you keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth, to avoid exposing yourself to unnecessary germs. When you cough or sneeze, it is best to try and use a tissue to prevent the spread of germs.
If you are comfortable with needles, you can also stop by the nearest clinic or pharmacy and get the flu shot. You can find many more tips online about how to prevent getting sick, or you can stop by the clinic on campus and find out more information.

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