Monday, April 13, 2015




First, you can easily check out the KSU website ( to find out which positions are open on campus!

Do your research
Who is hiring? When you find the job you want, check out the company and department. What is their mission? What are the qualifications for that position? This will help you develop key terms to use in your resume and interview.

Tailor your resume
Are you applying for your first “real” job? They may not care about the one month you spent bagging groceries when you were 14 years old or the fact that you were in Student Council in 5th grade. Use skills you have NOW and use general terms to make them fit the job you want. “Customer Service” “Task-oriented,” and “Self-motivated” are examples of good buzz words.
Be prepared
Have a stash of resume’s in your car, purse, or backpack. Jobs opportunities come from anywhere!

Look the part
What are the main colors of your organization? Maybe wear a blouse or tie to reflect them! Employers will subconsciously envision you in the organization!

“Early is on time; on time is late”
I think this is self-explanatory.

Shake hands
Yes! Confidence and physical contact can go a long way. Don’t be hesitant to initiate anything- show them you can conquer this new environment be being straight-forward and welcoming.

RELAX; you know the answers!
You chose this position because you expected it to be a perfect fit for you. Why? This is all they are asking! What did you do in your last job? Explain. Why should we hire you? You can learn a lot from this company and you are ready to take a fresh step in the direction they are going!

Follow up
I promise you are not “brown-nosing.” Send them a brief email detailing your appreciation for the time they spent interviewing you, and outline main points you want them to remember about you. This shows you are INTERESTED and they will consider your effort.

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